Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today I did 5 miles. I discovered a few things. First of all, walking fast the first mile is essential for me to warm up. I think running after biking will be different because I'm already warm/heart rate up, etc. I always run better if I walk first. The 3rd and 4th mile were fabulous. I had that rare feeling of being able to go forever. It was obviously fleeting, the 5th mile was rough. Anyway, I ran more than I usually do, so I feel like I'm improving. That's all I really care about I guess. The other thing I figured out is that I need to shake things up and make them different every run. By this I mean, different part of the trail, different music. I put my ipod on shuffle all songs instead of my playlist and I ran part of the trail I don't usually do. It was a great distraction and I didn't fall into the rut of running to certain songs, walking to others, or go to this point and turn around. I kept going.

1 comment:

Kim-bo said...

Yea rah for you!! I agree with the changing it up- it helps keep your mind distracted (or at least not focused on the pain you may be experiencing).

I am so excited you started this blog. It really doesn't matter if we are training for a race, big or small, or nothing at all- I think it's awesome to share all the ups and downs of just 'trying' to be out there doing something! Thank you for doing this!!

Love to all,